Asynchronous Calls


using System;

class AsyncDemo
    delegate int BinaryOperator(int a, int b);

    static int Adder(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

    static void Callback(IAsyncResult r)
        BinaryOperator adder = (BinaryOperator) r.AsyncState;

        Console.WriteLine("Addition completed");
        Console.WriteLine("Result was: {0}", adder.EndInvoke(r));

    static void Main()
        BinaryOperator adder = Adder;

        adder.BeginInvoke(4, 5, Callback, adder);

        /* wait */

Vala: built-in support for asynchronous methods (async, yield), must be compiled with --pkg gio-2.0

class AsyncDemo {

    static async int adder (int a, int b) {
        return a + b;

    static async void start () {
        int sum = yield adder (4, 5);
        stdout.printf ("Addition completed\n");
        stdout.printf ("Result was: %d\n", sum);

    static void main () {
        start ();

        /* wait */
        var loop = new MainLoop (null, false); ();