
Default Values for Auto-Implemented Properties


class Person
    public Person()
        Name = "Default Name";

    public string Name { get; set; }


class Person : Object {
    public string name { get; set; default = "Default Name"; }

Setting in constructor works as well, of course.

Property Change Notifications

C#: implement INotifyPropertyChanged

using System.ComponentModel;

class Person : INotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private string name;

    public string Name
        get { return name; }
            name = value;

    protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

    static void Main()
        var person = new Person();
        person.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
            System.Console.WriteLine("Property '{0}' changed", e.PropertyName);
        person.Name = "Foo";
        person.Name = "Bar";

Vala: connect to notify signal

Every instance of a class derived from Object has a signal called notify. This signal gets emitted every time a property of its object changes.

class Person : Object {
    public string name { get; set; }

void main () {
    var person = new Person ();
    person.notify.connect ((sender, property) => {
        stdout.printf ("Property '%s' changed\n",;
    }); = "Foo"; = "Bar";

If you’re only interested in change notifications of a single property you can use this syntax:

person.notify["name"].connect ((sender, property) => {
    stdout.printf ("name has changed\n");

Note that in this case you must use the string representation of the property name where underscores are replaced by dashes: my_property_name becomes "my-property-name" in this representation, which is the GObject property naming convention.

Change notifications can be disabled with a CCode attribute tag immediately before the declaration of the property:

class MyObject : Object {

    // notify signal is NOT emitted upon changes in the property
    [CCode (notify = false)]
    public int without_notification { get; set; }

    // notify signal is emitted upon changes in the property
    public int with_notification { get; set; }